Proposing a project

Do you need support for a development project?

The 1% for Development Fund provides financial support to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) implementing development projects for the benefit of communities in developing countries as well as local NGOs made up of the direct beneficiaries of such projects. If you represent one of these two types of NGOs, you can contact the 1% Fund for financial support.

For this purpose, first please fill in the form below in full. Within 4 weeks a Fund representative will get in touch with an answer about whether your project fulfils our criteria and can be considered for funding by the 1% Fund. If this is the case, you will receive our funding procedures as well as a questionnaire that you will need to fill out and send to the 1% Fund. As a reminder, the Fund is run exclusively by volunteers.

Tell us about yourself and your organization

Name of your organization:

Your first and last names:

Your position in the organization:

The country where the organization is established:


Optional - Website:

Is your organization officially registered as an NGO in your country? Yes No

Have you already submitted a project to 1% for Development? Yes No

If "Yes", please enter the month and year of submission.(MM/YYYY)

Have you had a project funded by 1% for Development? Yes No

If "Yes", please enter the starting month and year.(MM/YYYY)

If you have made more than one previous submission or had more than one project already financed by 1%, please give the date of the latest proposal and/or project.

Tell us about your project

Please give a short, clear title for your project that indicates its objectives:

(70 characters maximum)

Region/village/community where the project will take place:

Country where the project will take place:

Type of project - sector of activity:
Select up to two sectors which best describe your area of activity

What is the total budget of your project?

Currency: Amount:

All the requested amounts must be in the local currency used for project expenditures. The total budget includes your NGO contributions, contributions by the direct beneficiaries if they are not members of your NGO, funding from other partners and the expected 1% Fund contribution.

Total amount that will be requested from the 1% for Develoment Fund:

Of the requested amount, what amount will be spent on salaries?

Of the requested amount, what amount will be spent on administrative costs?

What are the three main expenses that would require funding from the 1% for Develoment Fund and the amounts of each? (At least one required.)


If the 1% Fund proceeds further with the evaluation of your proposal, two reference letters will be required. One reference must be from an international, well-established NGO, preferably one that has either visited and/or financed some of your earlier projects. The other reference may come from a well-established national NGO (not a local NGO). A reference by a Fund member may replace one of these references. (Note: the member cannot be part of the Fund’s Management Committee). Please name below the two NGOs that will provide you with reference letters.

Reference 1 (international NGO):

Reference 2 (well-established national NGO):

Optional - 1% Fund member endorsing your project:

Thank you for providing information about your NGO and your project to the 1% for Development Fund. We aim to contact you within four weeks for the next steps. As we are 100% run by volunteers, delays may happen. There is no need to contact us again (unless you did not receive a response from the 1% Fund after two months since contacting the Fund for the first time). Also, do not send us additional information unless requested by the 1% Fund.

Updated 4.1.23 by