There are three ways to send regular contributions or make a donation to the 1% Fund:

  1. You may establish a permanent order with your bank or make an interbank transfer, for the benefit of the 1% for Development Fund at our postal account below (the standing order can be discontinued at any time: simply advise the Fund):

Postal account (CCP)(PostFinance account):

CCP 10-227611-4

IBAN: CH57 0900 0000 1022 7611 4               ADDRESS: POSTFINANCE AG, MINGERSTRASSE 20, CH-3030 BERN


Beneficiary: “Association Fonds Unpourcent pour le Développement 1202 Genève(please use this French spelling).

  1. PayPal: Donations can be made through PayPal after accessing the 1% for Development Fund’s web site: and clicking on the link “Join us!” at the top.
  2. Contributions can be paid into our account at a Swiss Post Office using this “bulletin de versement” with a QR code: